Friday 27 November 2009

Getting Started in Short Film Making

This information comes from the book 'Getting Started in Short Film Making'.

Camera report

- Include as much data about the camera and film as possible. This will help the lab with processing.
- Slate/scene and take numbers must match those on the clapperboard/slate.
- Counter reading(or dial) is taken from the cameras footage meter. This will also tell you the amount of footage used for each take.
- Lens and stop helps with exposure and depth of field issues.
- Print tells which shots are useable and should be used for editing.
- Information about lighting and filters will help with colour grading later in the process. Any other relevant notes about the shoot can be added here, such as pushing the film.
- This tells how much film was used, wasted, or unexposed (shot end) and is used for calculating costs.
- Information about the telecine. This is often put on a separate form and would also include details about sound and time codes.

Titles and credits

Free typefaces:

Shot list and schedule software

Script writing software/sites

Documentary sites
- Discovery channel

Documentary questions
- Why do you do it?
- Is it the fear element that gives you the rush?
- Do you scout out places before you ride or just go for it and hope for the best?
- Any safety precautions?
- How do you prepare for big drops/jumps?
- What is the worst you have hurt yourself?

This information came from the book about short film making where it had information on producing a documentary. This is relevant to the project as it has information about short film making which is an aspect of what I will be producing. Also a section about documentary’s, which is another aspect of the outcome I will be producing. This book gave me an outline of some questions I should ask when interviewing, websites to look at and what a camera report is.

Friday 20 November 2009

Verifacation form

This document is the verification of topic and title form outlining the Title of the project, the aims and the outcome.


This blog will contain all my work on my Extended project for my course, Diploma in Creative and media. the final outcome of this project will be a short documentary on a group of mountain bikers called team lemmiwinks. For this project I will look at other Moutain bike films and information on how to direct, shoot and edit documentaries. I will be using this work as a portfolio peice when appling for jobs or courses at universities. The main aims for this projcet will be to for myself to devlop and explore film editing techniques and the audience to get an understanding of what the Team of riders is all about. The final out come will be distributed through social sites like Facebook and YouTube. This project will be completed on April 30th 2010.